Friday, May 30, 2008

My First pot of Orchid

I got this pot of Orchid when I went to collect my car from the workshop few days ago. I thought it was a kind gesture. If the customer is not happy with their workmanship, at least their their anger would be initially suppressed by the pot of beautiful Orchid. 
I've never grown flowers before, and so the lack of knowledge in taking care of one right now. I'm not too certain on what to do with it ,apart from the very obvious- watering it. But how many times a day?!? 
I've noticed that the petals don't look like it's blossoming, and two pink stalks are hanging down.
I'll continue pouring the love that it needs, and see how it turns out...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I have acne prone skin, and that limits me to narrow range of beauty products.
I was recommended to use Aesop by a friend, and has been using it eversince.
The aromatherapeutic smell completely relaxes my mind before heading to bed everynight.I've tried different brands of handcreams. But the one from Aesop smells wonderful. If you're a big fan of citrusy, mandarind orange smell, try the Mandarin Rind Aesop Handcream. it's wonderful!It is an essential item in my carrybag.
Everytime, I walk into Aesop to get the essential cleansers, moisturiser and mask. The retail assistants would always generously hand me a few sample satchets of other skin care products. Last week, I got myself some B triple facial hydrating serum, which according to her, works miraculously well in hydrating and rejuvenating skin!
why not get some sample sachets from Aesop counters today?

Aesop Amazing Cleanser $45.00, and sample satchets : Vitamin B anti-oxidant cream, Oil free serum.