After two weeks of exams, I'm totally exhausted. It has seriously came to a point where I don't feel like striving hard anymore...two more days , and two more days only till I fly free like a bird, I constantly reminded myself.
Eversince coming to Melbourne, I've embraced the coffee-a-day culture, Just like most of the people I know.
Some people drink it to keep them awake, some just like the aroma,the taste where as some view it as an art.There's constantly heated debate about the best coffee place,and often you'll find these conversations inconclusive. Nonetheless, It serves well as a platform where great cafes were brought up..
Taste and aroma of a coffee is so individualized,that is sometimes a reflection on the person's past experience and character.
I once heard this story about a prominent man ordering his coffee : not only did he opted for a skinny milk latte, he also demanded that his coffee to be of little froth and ordered, soy milk and honey as sides for his coffee.
What would your coffee be like?!