Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lavish or Simple

Ever wondered whether you could seal the deal with a simple wedding?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

You never know till you try.....

Who on earth would have guessed the girl who used to sit in front of her tv 24 hours, would actually get her ass off and start running....
I took up running in an attempt to lose weight in December and has been running religiously since then.  This has taken a turn recently, by training to run even longer distance. My personal goal now has been set at completing a marathon hopefully by beginning of next year if not earlier. At the look of things, it seems a bit bleak. Merely for the fact that time is not on my side. Not to mention, the laziness in me at times as well. 

Pertaining to this, I was told that I had to run at least 10-20km 2-3 times and a 30km run each week to be able to train myself up for a marathon run. oh my...

To mark my commitment towards long distance running, A very thoughtful friend has given me a picture of me running at the start of the 14.14km race I recently completed. Now let's hope that's the start, and many more photographs to be added to the collection. 


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Coffee & Art

After two weeks of exams, I'm totally exhausted. It has seriously came to a point where I don't feel like striving hard anymore...two more days , and two more days only till I fly free like a bird, I constantly reminded myself.

Eversince coming to Melbourne, I've embraced the coffee-a-day culture, Just like most of the people I know. 

 Some people drink it to keep them awake, some just like the aroma,the taste where as some view it as an art.There's constantly heated debate about the best coffee place,and often you'll find these conversations inconclusive. Nonetheless, It serves well as a platform where great cafes were brought up..

 Taste and aroma of a coffee is so individualized,that is sometimes a reflection on the person's past experience and character. 
 I once heard this story about a prominent man ordering his coffee : not only did he opted for a skinny milk latte, he also demanded that his coffee to be of little froth and ordered, soy milk and honey as sides for his coffee. 

What would your coffee be like?!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Time for coffee and tea....not really

I did a little experiment today. As exam's round the corner, I have been overdosing myself with coffee and tea few times a day. 
Today,  I reused the same cup for my coffee/tea, fill it up without washing it prior to that. and,
By the third cup of coffee, my cup appeared like this.

Despite having too much time on my hand,I'm trying to show that coffee and tea do stain our teeth. I visit the dentist twice a year, and since my last scaling in december, and it's only been five months, I found stains on the back of my anterior teeth ( front teeth). This is called extrinsic stains .Extrinsic stains are not localised to one area/tooth only, it's usually generalised and can normally be found in a few teeth. 

Getting a scale and clean regularly would definitely help to remove this unsightly feature.but make sure it's not a GP scale.

*G.P scale- a term coined to describe imperfectly done scale and clean due to time constraint. for your information, dentist normally has allocated limited time for each patient.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Common misconception

Growing up seeing dentures on my grandparents, I actually thought that dentures is a part of ageing ritual. Little did i know that good oral health care regime would actually prevent this from happening.The reason behind teeth exfoliation is due to the loss of supporting tissue around our teeth. With that said, gingiva ( gum in layman's term) and bone are the vital supporting tissue in our teeth. Both contribute strength and support that allow our teeth to bite and chew on a daily basis. 
It's the destruction of gum that predisposes us to teeth mobility, then exfoliation. Destruction of the gum can be done so by the bacteria inhabiting around our teeth. They slowly make their way thru the pockets by causing inflammation, and gradually deepening the pockets as time goes by. This phenomenon is called gingivitis.  and in a more severe scenario, periodontitis if loss of bone is involved .
Periodontal pockets are normally measured by the dentist on your first visit, whereby a periodontal probe is inserted into six surfaces of each tooth, and measurements are obtained
 periodontal probes

Prominent clinical sign of gingivitis is bleeding,reddening and swelling of gum. so by virtual fact, there's really nothing more important then taking care of the gums and make sure that it's in pristine condition at all times. Pristine condition generally means, periodontal pockets of less than 3mm. 
Flossing is the way to go about this, as it helps removes the stubborn plaque retained in the space between the teeth and gum. Adequate removal of the plaque prevents us from gum destruction done so by the inhabitating bacteria. It seems pretty easy and mundane, but you'll be surprised how many people actually consider flossing as part of their oral hygiene regime. 

Thursday, June 5, 2008

He's here in Melbourne

This sweetheart from Vancouver is here in Melbourne.Micheal Buble's concert. 
His songs are amazingly nice to listen to. It's great to listen to after having a long long day, or when you're cleaning the house, it's merely relaxing, and pleasing to the ears. 

On another note,This gem will be out in Australia soon, and They will be annoucing it at 3 a.m on the 10th on which company they will be going with! Exciting, can't wait to get my hands on one soon!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Does this actually remind you of your uni days? I'm totally embarrased with the state of my dining table right now. It reflects what my character truly is.Lazy & Messy. 
I started studying on my dining table three years ago when I was preparing for my A-level exams. The main reason being dining table allows me to place everything I need on the table, and so books are within arm's length. 
Not only that, If the table is not big enough.... 

The chairs come in handy too!!
Everyone has their favourite studying place, Some prefers to go to the library, Starbucks.... and some prefer to stay home. How about you?