Saturday, June 7, 2008

Time for coffee and tea....not really

I did a little experiment today. As exam's round the corner, I have been overdosing myself with coffee and tea few times a day. 
Today,  I reused the same cup for my coffee/tea, fill it up without washing it prior to that. and,
By the third cup of coffee, my cup appeared like this.

Despite having too much time on my hand,I'm trying to show that coffee and tea do stain our teeth. I visit the dentist twice a year, and since my last scaling in december, and it's only been five months, I found stains on the back of my anterior teeth ( front teeth). This is called extrinsic stains .Extrinsic stains are not localised to one area/tooth only, it's usually generalised and can normally be found in a few teeth. 

Getting a scale and clean regularly would definitely help to remove this unsightly feature.but make sure it's not a GP scale.

*G.P scale- a term coined to describe imperfectly done scale and clean due to time constraint. for your information, dentist normally has allocated limited time for each patient.

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